AT  | Austria | Major: Austria - Financial Instruments |
AT  | Austria | Major: Austria - Shares |
AT  | Austria | Major: Austria - Aggregated |
AT  | Austria | SSR EU Equity: Austria - non-management |
AT  | Austria | SSR EU Equity: Austria |
BE  | Belgium | Major: Belgium - Shares |
BE  | Belgium | Major: Belgium - Financial Instruments |
BE  | Belgium | Major: Belgium - Aggregated |
BE  | Belgium | Major: Belgium - Euronext Growth |
BE  | Belgium | Major: Belgium - Shares - Issuer Limits |
BE  | Belgium | Major: Belgium - Financial Instruments - Issuer Limits |
BE  | Belgium | Major: Belgium - Aggregated - Issuer Limits |
BE  | Belgium | SSR EU Equity: Belgium - non-management |
BE  | Belgium | SSR EU Equity: Belgium |
BG  | Bulgaria | Major: Bulgaria - Shares |
BG  | Bulgaria | Major: Bulgaria - Aggregated |
BG  | Bulgaria | Major: Bulgaria - Financial Instruments |
BG  | Bulgaria | SSR EU Equity: Bulgaria - non-management |
BG  | Bulgaria | SSR EU Equity: Bulgaria |
CY  | Cyprus | Major: Cyprus - ECM Market |
CY  | Cyprus | Major: Cyprus - Financial Instruments |
CY  | Cyprus | Major: Cyprus - Aggregated |
CY  | Cyprus | Major: Cyprus - Shares |
CY  | Cyprus | SSR EU Equity: Cyprus - non-management |
CY  | Cyprus | SSR EU Equity: Cyprus |
CZ  | Czech Republic | Major: Czech Republic 500+ Million Nominal Share Capital - Financial Instruments |
CZ  | Czech Republic | Major: Czech Republic 500+ Million Nominal Share Capital - Shares |
CZ  | Czech Republic | Major: Czech Republic 100-500 Million Nominal Share Capital - Financial Instruments |
CZ  | Czech Republic | Major: Czech Republic 100-500 Million Nominal Share Capital - Shares |
CZ  | Czech Republic | Major: Czech Republic < 100 Million Nominal Share Capital - Shares |
CZ  | Czech Republic | Major: Czech Republic < 100 Million Nominal Share Capital - Financial Instruments |
CZ  | Czech Republic | Major: Czech Republic < 100 Million Nominal Share Capital - Aggregated |
CZ  | Czech Republic | Major: Czech Republic 100-500 Million Nominal Share Capital - Aggregated |
CZ  | Czech Republic | Major: Czech Republic 500+ Million Nominal Share Capital - Aggregated |
CZ  | Czech Republic | SSR EU Equity: Czech Republic - non-management |
CZ  | Czech Republic | SSR EU Equity: Czech Republic |
DE  | Germany | Major: Germany - Shares |
DE  | Germany | Major: Germany - Financial Instruments |
DE  | Germany | Major: Germany - Aggregated |
DE  | Germany | Major: Germany - Stock Corporation Act |
DE  | Germany | SSR EU Equity: Germany - non-management |
DE  | Germany | SSR EU Equity: Germany |
DK  | Denmark | Major: Denmark - Financial Instruments |
DK  | Denmark | Major: Denmark - Shares |
DK  | Denmark | Major: Denmark - Aggregated |
DK  | Denmark | Major: Denmark - Nominal Share Capital - Aggregated |
DK  | Denmark | Major: Denmark - Nominal Share Capital - Shares |
DK  | Denmark | Major: Denmark - Nominal Share Capital - Financial Instruments |
DK  | Denmark | Major: Denmark - Companies Act - Nominal Share Capital |
DK  | Denmark | Major: Denmark - Companies Act - Voting |
DK  | Denmark | SSR EU Equity: Denmark - non-management |
DK  | Denmark | SSR EU Equity: Denmark |
EE  | Estonia | Major: Estonia - Financial Instruments |
EE  | Estonia | Major: Estonia - Shares |
EE  | Estonia | Major: Estonia - Aggregated |
EE  | Estonia | SSR EU Equity: Estonia - non-management |
EE  | Estonia | SSR EU Equity: Estonia |
ES  | Spain | Major: Spain - Tax Havens - Shares |
ES  | Spain | Major: Spain - Shares |
ES  | Spain | Major: Spain - Financial Instruments |
ES  | Spain | Major: Spain - Aggregated |
ES  | Spain | Major: Spain - Tax Havens - Aggregated |
ES  | Spain | Major: Spain - Tax Havens - Financial Instruments |
ES  | Spain | SSR EU Equity: Spain - non-management |
ES  | Spain | SSR EU Equity: Spain |
EU  | European Union | Major: Nonlisted |
EU  | European Union | SSR EU Equity: New Exemptions - non-management |
EU  | European Union | SSR EU Equity: New Exemptions |
FI  | Finland | Major: Finland - Voting - Financial Instruments |
FI  | Finland | Major: Finland - Voting - Shares |
FI  | Finland | Major: Finland - Voting - Aggregated |
FI  | Finland | Major: Finland - Aggregated |
FI  | Finland | Major: Finland - Shares |
FI  | Finland | Major: Finland - Financial Instruments |
FI  | Finland | SSR EU Equity: Finland - non-management |
FI  | Finland | SSR EU Equity: Finland |
FR  | France | Major: France - Aggregated |
FR  | France | Major: France - Voting - Aggregated |
FR  | France | Major: France - Voting - Shares |
FR  | France | Major: France - Voting - Financial Instruments |
FR  | France | Major: France - Shares |
FR  | France | Major: France - Financial Instruments |
FR  | France | Major: France - MTFs - Aggregated |
FR  | France | Major: France - MTFs - Financial Instruments |
FR  | France | Major: France - MTFs - Shares |
FR  | France | Major: France - MTFs - Voting - Shares |
FR  | France | Major: France - MTFs - Voting - Aggregated |
FR  | France | Major: France - MTFs - Voting - Financial Instruments |
FR  | France | Major: France - Euronext Growth - Aggregated |
FR  | France | Major: France - Euronext Growth - Financial Instruments |
FR  | France | Major: France - Euronext Growth - Shares |
FR  | France | Major: France - Euronext Growth - Voting - Aggregated |
FR  | France | Major: France - Euronext Growth - Voting - Financial Instruments |
FR  | France | Major: France - Euronext Growth - Voting - Shares |
FR  | France | Takeover: France - Shares |
FR  | France | Takeover: France - Voting |
FR  | France | Takeover: France - Shares - Daily Results |
FR  | France | Takeover: France - Shares - Lookup |
FR  | France | Takeover: France - Voting - Daily Results |
FR  | France | Takeover: France - Voting - Lookup |
FR  | France | SSR EU Equity: France - non-management |
FR  | France | SSR EU Equity: France |
GB  | United Kingdom | Major: United Kingdom - Home - Non Investment Manager - Aggregated |
GB  | United Kingdom | Major: United Kingdom - Home - Investment Manager - Aggregated |
GB  | United Kingdom | Major: United Kingdom - Foreign - Aggregated |
GB  | United Kingdom | Major: United Kingdom - Home - Non Investment Manager - Shares |
GB  | United Kingdom | Major: United Kingdom - Home - Non Investment Manager - Financial Instruments |
GB  | United Kingdom | Major: United Kingdom - Home - Investment Manager - Shares |
GB  | United Kingdom | Major: United Kingdom - Home - Investment Manager - Financial Instruments |
GB  | United Kingdom | Major: United Kingdom - Foreign - Shares |
GB  | United Kingdom | Major: United Kingdom - Foreign - Financial Instruments |
GB  | United Kingdom | Major: United Kingdom - AIM Listing |
GB  | United Kingdom | SSR Equity: United Kingdom - non-management |
GB  | United Kingdom | SSR Equity: United Kingdom - New Exemptions - non-management |
GB  | United Kingdom | SSR Equity: United Kingdom |
GB  | United Kingdom | SSR Equity: United Kingdom - New Exemptions |
GE  | Georgia | Major: Georgia - Shares |
GE  | Georgia | Major: Georgia - Financial Instruments |
GE  | Georgia | Major: Georgia - Aggregated |
GR  | Greece | Major: Greece - Issuer - Shares - Tracking |
GR  | Greece | Major: Greece - Issuer - Financial Instruments - Tracking |
GR  | Greece | Major: Greece - Share Class - Shares - Tracking |
GR  | Greece | Major: Greece - Share Class - Financial Instruments - Tracking |
GR  | Greece | Major: Greece - Issuer - Shares |
GR  | Greece | Major: Greece - Issuer - Financial Instruments |
GR  | Greece | Major: Greece - Issuer - Aggregated |
GR  | Greece | Major: Greece - Share Class - Aggregated |
GR  | Greece | Major: Greece - Share Class - Financial Instruments |
GR  | Greece | Major: Greece - Share Class - Shares |
GR  | Greece | SSR EU Equity: Greece - non-management |
GR  | Greece | SSR EU Equity: Greece |
HR  | Croatia | Major: Croatia - Financial Instruments |
HR  | Croatia | Major: Croatia - Shares |
HR  | Croatia | Major: Croatia - Aggregated |
HR  | Croatia | SSR EU Equity: Croatia - non-management |
HR  | Croatia | SSR EU Equity: Croatia |
HU  | Hungary | Major: Hungary - Financial Instruments |
HU  | Hungary | Major: Hungary - Shares |
HU  | Hungary | Major: Hungary - Aggregated |
HU  | Hungary | Major: Hungary - Financial Instruments - Voting |
HU  | Hungary | Major: Hungary - Aggregated - Voting |
HU  | Hungary | Major: Hungary - Shares - Voting |
HU  | Hungary | SSR EU Equity: Hungary - non-management |
HU  | Hungary | SSR EU Equity: Hungary |
IE  | Ireland | Major: Ireland - Companies Act - Share Class |
IE  | Ireland | Major: Ireland - Home - Financial Instruments |
IE  | Ireland | Major: Ireland - Home - Shares |
IE  | Ireland | Major: Ireland - Home - Aggregated |
IE  | Ireland | Major: Ireland - Foreign - Aggregated |
IE  | Ireland | Major: Ireland - Companies Act - Issuer |
IE  | Ireland | Major: Ireland - Foreign - Shares |
IE  | Ireland | Major: Ireland - Foreign - Financial Instruments |
IE  | Ireland | SSR EU Equity: Ireland - non-management |
IE  | Ireland | SSR EU Equity: Ireland |
IN  | India | India SEBI FPI - 50 Percent |
IN  | India | India SEBI FPI - Denominator |
IN  | India | India SEBI FPI - 250bn - Value |
IS  | Iceland | Major: Iceland - Aggregated |
IS  | Iceland | Major: Iceland - Financial Instruments |
IS  | Iceland | Major: Iceland - Shares |
IS  | Iceland | SSR EEA Equity: Iceland - non-management |
IS  | Iceland | SSR EEA Equity: Iceland |
IT  | Italy | Major: Italy - Non FM - Shares |
IT  | Italy | Major: Italy - Shares |
IT  | Italy | Major: Italy - Financial Instruments |
IT  | Italy | Major: Italy - Aggregated |
IT  | Italy | Major: Italy - Non FM - Aggregated |
IT  | Italy | Major: Italy - Non FM Non SME - Shares |
IT  | Italy | SSR EU Equity: Italy - non-management |
IT  | Italy | SSR EU Equity: Italy |
LI  | Liechtenstein | Major: Liechtenstein - Shares |
LI  | Liechtenstein | Major: Liechtenstein - Financial Instruments |
LI  | Liechtenstein | Major: Liechtenstein - Aggregated |
LI  | Liechtenstein | SSR EEA Equity: Liechtenstein - non-management |
LI  | Liechtenstein | SSR EEA Equity: Liechtenstein |
LT  | Lithuania | Major: Lithuania - Shares |
LT  | Lithuania | Major: Lithuania - Financial Instruments |
LT  | Lithuania | Major: Lithuania - Aggregated |
LT  | Lithuania | SSR EU Equity: Lithuania - non-management |
LT  | Lithuania | SSR EU Equity: Lithuania |
LU  | Luxembourg | Major: Luxembourg - Financial Instruments |
LU  | Luxembourg | Major: Luxembourg - Shares |
LU  | Luxembourg | Major: Luxembourg - Aggregated |
LU  | Luxembourg | SSR EU Equity: Luxembourg - non-management |
LU  | Luxembourg | SSR EU Equity: Luxembourg |
LV  | Latvia | Major: Latvia - Foreign - Financial Instruments |
LV  | Latvia | Major: Latvia - Foreign - Shares |
LV  | Latvia | Major: Latvia - Home - Financial Instruments |
LV  | Latvia | Major: Latvia - Home - Shares |
LV  | Latvia | Major: Latvia - Home - Aggregated |
LV  | Latvia | Major: Latvia - Foreign - Aggregated |
LV  | Latvia | Major: Latvia - Groups of Companies Law |
LV  | Latvia | SSR EU Equity: Latvia - non-management |
LV  | Latvia | SSR EU Equity: Latvia |
MT  | Malta | SSR EU Equity: Malta - non-management |
MT  | Malta | SSR EU Equity: Malta |
NL  | Netherlands | Major: Netherlands - Foreign - Shares |
NL  | Netherlands | Major: Netherlands - Foreign - Financial Instruments |
NL  | Netherlands | Major: Netherlands - Home - Shares |
NL  | Netherlands | Major: Netherlands - Home - Financial Instruments |
NL  | Netherlands | Major: Netherlands - Home - Aggregated |
NL  | Netherlands | Major: Netherlands - Foreign - Aggregated |
NL  | Netherlands | Major: Netherlands - Home - Nominal Share Capital - Aggregated |
NL  | Netherlands | Major: Netherlands - Foreign - Nominal Share Capital - Aggregated |
NL  | Netherlands | Major: Netherlands - Home - Nominal Share Capital - Financial Instruments |
NL  | Netherlands | Major: Netherlands - Home - Nominal Share Capital - Shares |
NL  | Netherlands | Major: Netherlands - Foreign - Nominal Share Capital - Financial Instruments |
NL  | Netherlands | Major: Netherlands - Foreign - Nominal Share Capital - Shares |
NL  | Netherlands | SSR EU Equity: Netherlands - non-management |
NL  | Netherlands | SSR EU Equity: Netherlands |
NO  | Norway | Major: Norway - Voting - Shares |
NO  | Norway | Major: Norway - Voting - Financial Instruments |
NO  | Norway | Major: Norway - Voting - Aggregated |
NO  | Norway | Major: Norway - Shares - Aggregated |
NO  | Norway | Major: Norway - Shares - Shares |
NO  | Norway | Major: Norway - Shares - Financial Instruments |
NO  | Norway | SSR EEA Equity: Norway - non-management |
NO  | Norway | SSR EEA Equity: Norway |
PL  | Poland | Major: Poland - Aggregated - Special Threshold 1 |
PL  | Poland | Major: Poland - Aggregated - Special Threshold 2 |
PL  | Poland | Major: Poland - Aggregated - Special Threshold 3 |
PL  | Poland | Major: Poland - Financial Instruments |
PL  | Poland | Major: Poland - Aggregated |
PL  | Poland | Major: Poland - Shares |
PL  | Poland | SSR EU Equity: Poland - non-management |
PL  | Poland | SSR EU Equity: Poland |
PT  | Portugal | Major: Portugal - Foreign - Non-EU Incorporated - Financial Instruments |
PT  | Portugal | Major: Portugal - Foreign - Non-EU Incorporated - Shares |
PT  | Portugal | Major: Portugal - Foreign - EU Incorporated - Financial Instruments |
PT  | Portugal | Major: Portugal - Foreign - EU Incorporated - Shares |
PT  | Portugal | Major: Portugal - EU Regulated - Financial Instruments |
PT  | Portugal | Major: Portugal - EU Regulated - Shares |
PT  | Portugal | Major: Portugal - EU Regulated - Aggregated |
PT  | Portugal | Major: Portugal - Foreign - EU Incorporated - Aggregated |
PT  | Portugal | Major: Portugal - Foreign - Non-EU Incorporated - Aggregated |
PT  | Portugal | SSR EU Equity: Portugal - non-management |
PT  | Portugal | SSR EU Equity: Portugal |
RO  | Romania | Major: Romania - Aggregated |
RO  | Romania | Major: Romania - Financial Instruments |
RO  | Romania | Major: Romania - Shares |
RO  | Romania | SSR EU Equity: Romania - non-management |
RO  | Romania | SSR EU Equity: Romania |
RS  | Serbia | Major: Serbia - Aggregated |
RS  | Serbia | Major: Serbia - Shares |
RS  | Serbia | Major: Serbia - Financial Instruments |
SE  | Sweden | Major: Sweden - Financial Instruments |
SE  | Sweden | Major: Sweden - Shares |
SE  | Sweden | Major: Sweden - Aggregated |
SE  | Sweden | Major: Sweden - Voting - Aggregated |
SE  | Sweden | Major: Sweden - Voting - Shares |
SE  | Sweden | Major: Sweden - Voting - Financial Instruments |
SE  | Sweden | SSR EU Equity: Sweden - non-management |
SE  | Sweden | SSR EU Equity: Sweden |
SI  | Slovenia | Major: Slovenia - Financial Instruments |
SI  | Slovenia | Major: Slovenia - Shares |
SI  | Slovenia | Major: Slovenia - Aggregated |
SI  | Slovenia | Major: Slovenia - Takeovers Act |
SI  | Slovenia | Major: Slovenia - Companies Act |
SI  | Slovenia | SSR EU Equity: Slovenia - non-management |
SI  | Slovenia | SSR EU Equity: Slovenia |
SK  | Slovakia | Major: Slovakia - Shares |
SK  | Slovakia | Major: Slovakia - Financial Instruments |
SK  | Slovakia | Major: Slovakia - Aggregated |
SK  | Slovakia | SSR EU Equity: Slovakia - non-management |
SK  | Slovakia | SSR EU Equity: Slovakia |
TR  | Turkey | Major: Turkey - Shares |
TR  | Turkey | Major: Turkey - Voting - Shares |
TR  | Turkey | Major: Turkey - Unlisted - Shares |
TR  | Turkey | Major: Turkey - Unlisted - Voting |
TR  | Turkey | Major: Turkey - Aggregated |
TR  | Turkey | Major: Turkey - Financial Instruments |
TR  | Turkey | Major: Turkey - Voting - Financial Instruments |
TR  | Turkey | Major: Turkey - Voting - Aggregated |
US  | United States | Hart-Scott-Rodino Act - United States - Value Limits |
US  | United States | Hart-Scott-Rodino Act - United States - Percent Limits |
US  | United States | 12D - United States |
US  | United States | Major: US - 13F - Eligibility |
US  | United States | Major: US - 13F |
US  | United States | Short: United States - 13f-2 - Threshold A - Value |
US  | United States | Short: United States - 13f-2 - Threshold A - Percentage |
US  | United States | Short: United States - 13f-2 - Threshold B - Value |
WW  | World Wide | Issuer Limits - Shares: Legal Aggregation |
WW  | World Wide | Issuer Limits - Voting: Legal Aggregation |
WW  | World Wide | Issuer Limits - Shares - Portfolio: Legal Aggregation |
WW  | World Wide | Issuer Limits - Voting - Portfolio: Legal Aggregation |
WW  | World Wide | Issuer Limits - Shares: Voting Aggregation |
WW  | World Wide | Issuer Limits - Voting: Voting Aggregation |
WW  | World Wide | Issuer Limits - Shares - Portfolio: Voting Aggregation |
WW  | World Wide | Issuer Limits - Voting - Portfolio: Voting Aggregation |