
Regulatory Data Coverage

Total: 86 lists

CategoryNameCheck FrequencyChange DetectionUpdatesOfficial SourceDescription
GeneralDutch IssuersEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteDutch Issuers list
GeneralDutch Share ClassesEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteDutch Share Classes list
GeneralEEA MarketsEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteEEA Markets list
GeneralFCA FIRDSEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteFCA FIRDS list
GeneralFIRDSEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteFIRDS list
GeneralForeign Issuers Swiss Primary MarketEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteForeign Issuers Swiss Primary Market list
GeneralGICSSubIndustriesListInstantAutomaticManualWebsite2023 versions of list of sub-industry level GICS codes and their corresponding sub-industry.
GeneralHong Kong Exempt ETFsEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteHong Kong Exempt ETFs list
GeneralHong Kong Stock Exchange Issued SharesEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteHong Kong Stock Exchange Issued Shares list
GeneralIndian Corporate GroupEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteIndian Corporate Group list
GeneralIssuersIT_SMEInstantAutomaticManualWebsiteCurrent version of ISIN to issuer name lookup for Italian SMEs used in rule 1389.
GeneralIssuersMUReportingInstantAutomaticManualWebsiteList of Mauritius Reporting Issuers.
GeneralJPFEFTA IssuersEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteJPFEFTA Issuers list
GeneralJPFEFTA Issuers Category 1Every 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteJPFEFTA Issuers Category 1 list
GeneralJPFEFTA Issuers Category 2Every 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteJPFEFTA Issuers Category 2 list
GeneralJPFEFTA Issuers Category 3Every 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteJPFEFTA Issuers Category 3 list
GeneralMarket Identifier CodesEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteMarket Identifier Codes list
GeneralPublicHolidaysAUDailyAutomaticAutomatic with manual approvalWebsitePublic Holidays in Australia. Any rules for this country which use Business Days will automatically have the Disclose By date adjusted to account for holidays.
GeneralPublicHolidaysHKDailyAutomaticAutomatic with manual approvalWebsitePublic Holidays in Hong Kong. Any rules for this country which use Business Days will automatically have the Disclose By date adjusted to account for holidays.
GeneralPublicHolidaysSGDailyAutomaticAutomatic with manual approvalWebsitePublic Holidays in Singapore. Any rules for this country which use Business Days will automatically have the Disclose By date adjusted to account for holidays.
Last Checked: 2024-12-20
ManualManualWebsitePublic Holidays in the United States used for 13f-2.
GeneralTaxHavensESMemo UpdatesaosphereManualaosphereCountries considered by Spain as tax havens, pursuant to Order HFP/115/2023 of 9 February (originally provided for in the Royal Decree 1080/1991)
MarketMarketsAE_SCAEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-09-06
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the United Arab Emirates SCA regime markets
MarketMarketsAUEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2025-01-22
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Australian shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsAUShortSellingReducedInstantAutomaticManualWebsiteASIC licensed domestic and overseas financial markets operating in Australia. FundApps maps the domestic and foreign licensed markets listed on the ASIC's website to MICs on a best-efforts basis, and includes all segment and operating MICs where there is a matching name. This list has remove MICs that cause a large number of false positives.
MarketMarketsBDEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-08-27
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Bangladesh shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsBREvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-12-06
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Brazilian shareholding disclosure regime markets
MarketMarketsBWEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-05-14
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Botswana shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsCAEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-11-25
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Canada shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsCHEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-10-10
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Swiss shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsCNEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2023-12-26
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Chinese shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsCNPrefSharesEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2023-12-26
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the disclosure of preference shares in China (see A3.2.1(b)).
MarketMarketsECEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-10-18
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Ecuador shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsFREuronextGrowthParisEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-06-21
ManualManualNoneMIC code for Euronext Growth Paris.
Last Checked: 2025-01-20
ManualManualWebsiteUK Multi-Lateral Trading Facilities.
MarketMarketsGB_RIEInstantAutomaticManualWebsiteUK market established under the rules of a Recognised Investment Exchange (RIE). This comprises of Regulated Markets and 'prescribed markets' as defined by the Treasury in the Prescribed Markets and Qualifying Investments Order. FundApps maps the RIEs listed on the FCA Register to MICs on a best-efforts basis, and includes all segment MICs of a named RIE based on feedback from the FCA.
MarketMarketsGBRegulatedInstantAutomaticManualWebsiteUK regulated markets as maintained by the FCA.
MarketMarketsGHEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-05-14
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Ghana shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsHKEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-02-29
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Hong Kong shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsHKShortSellingEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-02-29
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Hong Kong short selling regime markets.
MarketMarketsINEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-10-02
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the India shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsJMEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-09-10
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Jamaican shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsJPEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-11-13
aosphereManualaosphereJapan Markets as defined in the aosphere memo - section 2.2
MarketMarketsKREvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2025-01-09
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the South Korea shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsKRShortSellingEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-01-15
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the South Korea short selling regime markets.
MarketMarketsNZEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-10-25
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the New Zealand shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsPHEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-06-02
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Philippine shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsSGEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-10-23
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Singapore shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsSGShortSellingEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-11-01
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Singapore short selling regime markets.
MarketMarketsTHEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-03-06
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Thailand shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsTREvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-02-20
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Turkish shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsTWEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-12-11
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Taiwan shareholding disclosure regime markets.
MarketMarketsUSInstantAutomaticManualWebsiteSecurities exchange that has been registered with the SEC under Section 6 of the (United States) Securities Exchange Act of 1934
MarketMarketsUYEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-08-14
ManualManualNoneUruguay Markets
MarketMarketsVNEvery 425 Days
Last Checked: 2024-10-02
aosphereManualaosphereThe MICs associated with the Vietnam shareholding disclosure regime markets.
Short SellingEU Short Selling Exempt SharesEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteEU Short Selling Exempt Shares list
Short SellingEU Sovereign DebtEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteEU Sovereign Debt list
Short SellingFCA Short Selling Exempt SharesEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteFCA Short Selling Exempt Shares list
Short SellingHKEX Rates for Stamp Duty CalculationEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteHKEX Rates for Stamp Duty Calculation list
Short SellingHong Kong Designated Securities Eligible for Short SellingEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteHong Kong Designated Securities Eligible for Short Selling list
Short SellingSingapore Stock CodesEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteSingapore Stock Codes list
Short SellingUS 13f-2 ThresholdsEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteUS 13f-2 Thresholds list
Sovereign DebtSovereignBondThresholdsGBInstantAutomaticManualWebsiteNet short position notification thresholds for sovereign issuers in the United Kingdom.
Sovereign DebtTotalDebtOutstandingGBInstantAutomaticManualWebsiteAmount of outstanding UK debt in EUR - Duration adjusted
TakeoverAustralian TakeoverDailyManualManualWebsiteAustralian Takeover list
TakeoverAustrian TakeoverEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteAustrian Takeover list
TakeoverBelgian TakeoverEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteBelgian Takeover list
TakeoverBrazilian TakeoverDailyManualManualWebsiteBrazilian Takeover list
TakeoverCanadian TakeoverDailyManualManualWebsiteCanadian Takeover list
TakeoverCypriot TakeoverDailyManualManualWebsiteCypriot Takeover list
TakeoverCzech TakeoverDailyManualManualWebsiteCzech Takeover list
TakeoverFrench TakeoverEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteFrench Takeover list
TakeoverGreek TakeoverDailyManualManualWebsiteGreek Takeover list
TakeoverHong Kong TakeoverEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteHong Kong Takeover list
TakeoverHong Kong Takeover Exempt IssuersEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteHong Kong Takeover Exempt Issuers list
TakeoverIrish TakeoverEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteIrish Takeover list
TakeoverMalaysian TakeoverDailyManualManualWebsiteMalaysian Takeover list
TakeoverSingaporean TakeoverDailyManualManualWebsiteSingaporean Takeover list
TakeoverSpanish TakeoverEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteSpanish Takeover list
TakeoverSwiss TakeoverEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteSwiss Takeover list
TakeoverTunisian TakeoverDailyManualManualWebsiteTunisian Takeover list
TakeoverUK TakeoverEvery 3 HoursAutomaticAutomaticWebsiteUK Takeover list
US 13FUS13FOptionsInstantAutomaticManualWebsiteThe CUSIPs of the securities that require options included.
US 13FUS13FReportingCUSIPsInstantAutomaticManualWebsite13F Option CUSIP to issue CUSIP lookup.
US 13FUS13FSecuritiesInstantAutomaticManualWebsiteOfficial list of securities applicable for US 13F regulation and the corresponding Issuer.
US 13FUS13FTitleOfClassListInstantAutomaticManualWebsiteTitles of the class of the 13F securities.

Last generated: 2025-02-07 16:19:37 UTC