AT | Austria | MajorAT_StandardDisclosureForm.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
AT | Austria | SSRBondsAT_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-09-13 | New data form |
AT | Austria | SSREquityAT_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
AU | Australia | MajorAU_Coverletter.docx | 3. Good | 2023-09-12 | Added related form information |
AU | Australia | ShortAU_RegConn.csv | 5. FM Ready | 2024-03-06 | Updated to include Sovereign Bonds and their derivatives |
AU | Australia | Statutory_AnnexureB.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
AU | Australia | Statutory_AnnexureB_Custodian.xlsx | 2. Basic | 2022-03-08 | Added Straddle Values |
AU | Australia | Statutory_form 603.docx | 2. Basic | 2022-03-08 | Added Straddle Values |
AU | Australia | Statutory_form 604.docx | 2. Basic | 2022-03-08 | Added Straddle Values |
AU | Australia | Statutory_form 605.docx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
AU | Australia | Statutory_Transactions_Custodian-AnnexureA.xlsx | 2. Basic | 2022-05-03 | Added Currency |
AU | Australia | Statutory_Transactions-AnnexureA.xlsx | 2. Basic | 2022-04-28 | Added Currency |
BE | Belgium | ESMA_StandardForm1.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
BE | Belgium | SSREquityBE.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
BE | Belgium | TakeoverBE_Transactions.xlsx | 4. Complete | 2023-07-04 | Added Market/If other market fields |
BE | Belgium | tr-1be-en.xlsm | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
BG | Bulgaria | MajorBG_Annex.docx | 3. Good | 2024-10-01 | New annex for FSC only. |
BG | Bulgaria | MajorBG_StandardDisclosureForm.docx | 3. Good | 2024-10-01 | New annex for FSC only. |
BG | Bulgaria | SSREquityBG.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
BR | Brazil | MajorBR_Coverletter_BRA.docx | 3. Good | 2023-09-08 | Added assets table and updated format |
BR | Brazil | MajorBR_Coverletter_ENG.docx | 3. Good | 2023-09-08 | Added assets table and updated format |
CH | Switzerland | MajorCH_Purchase_Selling.docx | 3. Good | 2023-12-11 | Combines Purchase rule and Selling rule data onto one form. |
CH | Switzerland | MajorCH_Shares.docx | 3. Good | 2023-12-12 | Removed surplus tokens - now only for Shares rule. |
CH | Switzerland | TakeoverCH.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
CN | China | MajorCN_AnnexureB.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
CN | China | MajorCN_Coverletter.docx | 2. Basic | 2023-02-03 | Changed token. |
CY | Cyprus | Form_190-01-01.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
CY | Cyprus | SSREquityCY_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-09-11 | First form |
CZ | Czech Republic | MajorCZ.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
CZ | Czech Republic | MajorCZ_100m.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
CZ | Czech Republic | MajorCZ_500m.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
CZ | Czech Republic | SSREquityCZ_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
DE | Germany | MajorDE_Entities_CoC.xml | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
DE | Germany | MajorDE_No_CoC.xml | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
DE | Germany | MajorDE_Portfolio_CoC.xml | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
DE | Germany | s21ff_WpHG.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
DE | Germany | s21ff_WpHG_21.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
DE | Germany | s21ff_WpHG_21_Annex.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
DE | Germany | s21ff_WpHG_Annex.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
DE | Germany | SSRBondsDE_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-09-13 | New data form |
DE | Germany | SSREquityDE_Data.xlsx | 5. FM Ready | 2023-08-17 | Filing Manager conversion complete |
DK | Denmark | MajorDK-ShareCapital.xlsx | 2. Basic | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
DK | Denmark | MajorDK-VotingRights.xlsx | 2. Basic | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
DK | Denmark | SSREquityDK_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
EE | Estonia | ESMA_StandardForm1.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
EE | Estonia | SSREquityEE.docx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
ES | Spain | MajorES.xlsx | 2. Basic | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
ES | Spain | MajorES.xml | 3. Good | 2024-07-10 | New XML form |
ES | Spain | MajorES_TaxHavens.xlsx | 2. Basic | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
ES | Spain | SSRBondsES_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-09-13 | First form |
ES | Spain | SSREquityES_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
FI | Finland | MajorFI_StandardDisclosureFormVoting.docx | 3. Good | 2023-07-19 | Upgrade shares and financial instruments tables |
FI | Finland | MajorFI_StandardDisclosureFormVoting_Issuer.docx | 3. Good | 2023-07-19 | Adding additional form for issuer disclosure |
FI | Finland | SSRBondsFI.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
FI | Finland | SSREquityFI.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-03-01 | Fixed validation problem. |
FR | France | MajorFR.docx | 3. Good | 2023-09-05 | Upgrade shares and financial instruments tables and thresholds section |
FR | France | SSRBondsFR_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-09-13 | First form |
FR | France | SSREquityFR_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
FR | France | TakeoverFR_Dealings.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-01-23 | Updated tokens to work with new document generation architecture. |
FR | France | TakeoverFR_Holdings.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
GB | United Kingdom | 8B1.csv | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
GB | United Kingdom | 8B2.csv | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
GB | United Kingdom | AIM_Form_Issuer.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
GB | United Kingdom | MajorGB_TR-1.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
GB | United Kingdom | MajorGB_TR-1_Issuer.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
GB | United Kingdom | SSRBondsGB.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
GB | United Kingdom | SSREquityGB.xlsx | 5. FM Ready | 2023-07-24 | Filing Manager conversion complete |
GB | United Kingdom | TakeOverGB_8-0.docx | 3. Good | 2023-02-17 | Updated table token. |
GB | United Kingdom | TakeOverGB_8-3.docx | 3. Good | 2023-03-31 | Added rights table and other token. |
GB | United Kingdom | TakeOverGB_8-3_Class_Dealings.xlsx | 2. Basic | 2023-03-16 | Improved formatting of shorts. |
GB | United Kingdom | TR-1_Non_IM.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
GB | United Kingdom | TR-1_Non_IM_Issuer.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
GE | Georgia | MajorGE.docx | 2. Basic | 2024-05-29 | Initial version of Georgia form |
GR | Greece | MajorGR.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
GR | Greece | SSREquityGR_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-09-11 | First form |
HK | Hong Kong | Form2.xlsm | 3. Good | 2023-04-24 | Reformat boxes 18 and 19. |
HK | Hong Kong | Form2_Table22.xlsx | 3. Good | 2022-03-08 | Use Straddle Values. |
HK | Hong Kong | MajorHK_Coverletter.docx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
HK | Hong Kong | ShortHK.csv | 5. FM Ready | 2023-04-14 | Filing Manager conversion complete |
HK | Hong Kong | TakeoverHK.docx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
HK | Hong Kong | TakeOverHK_PortalDetails.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
HK | Hong Kong | TakeOverHK_Private_Eng.xlsm | 2. Basic | 2022-02-24 | New form |
HK | Hong Kong | TakeOverHK_Public_Eng.xlsm | 2. Basic | 2022-02-24 | New form |
HK | Hong Kong | TakeoverHK_Transaction-Annexure.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
HR | Croatia | ESMA_StandardForm1.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
HR | Croatia | SSREquityHR.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-09-11 | First form |
HU | Hungary | SSREquityHU_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-09-11 | First form |
ID | Indonesia | IDX_Coverletter.docx | 3. Good | 2024-08-28 | Updated for Total Voting Rights |
ID | Indonesia | MajorID_Annexure1.xlsx | 3. Good | 2024-08-28 | Updated for Total Voting Rights |
ID | Indonesia | MajorID_Annexure2.xlsx | 3. Good | 2024-08-28 | Updated for Total Voting Rights |
ID | Indonesia | MajorID_Issuer_Coverletter.docx | 3. Good | 2024-08-28 | Updated for Total Voting Rights |
ID | Indonesia | MajorID_MainForm.xlsx | 3. Good | 2024-08-27 | New form |
ID | Indonesia | OJK_Bank_Division_Coverletter.docx | 3. Good | 2024-08-28 | Updated for Total Voting Rights |
ID | Indonesia | OJK_Coverletter.docx | 3. Good | 2024-08-28 | Updated for Total Voting Rights |
IE | Ireland | MajorIE_CompaniesAct_Issuer_CoverLetter.docx | 3. Good | 2023-06-22 | Newly created form as per client request |
IE | Ireland | MajorIE_CompaniesAct_ShareClass_CoverLetter.docx | 3. Good | 2023-06-22 | Newly created form as per client request |
IE | Ireland | MajorIE_TR-1.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
IE | Ireland | MajorIE_TR-1_Issuer.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
IE | Ireland | SSRBondsIE.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
IE | Ireland | SSREquityIE.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
IE | Ireland | TakeOver_IE_8-3_Class_Dealings.xlsx | 2. Basic | 2023-06-15 | Updated to match latest rule version. |
IE | Ireland | TakeOver_IE_Form-8-3.docx | 3. Good | 2023-06-15 | Updated to match latest rule version. |
IE | Ireland | TakeOver_IE_Supplemental-Form-8.docx | 3. Good | 2023-06-15 | Updated to match latest rule version. |
IE | Ireland | TR-1_F.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
IE | Ireland | TR-1_F_Issuer.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
IE | Ireland | TR-1_SubmissionForm.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-08-21 | Completed check boxes |
IN | India | 29_1.docx | 3. Good | 2021-09-22 | Remove Headers based on client feedback from SEBI |
IN | India | 29_2.docx | 3. Good | 2021-09-22 | Remove Headers based on client feedback from SEBI |
IN | India | BSE_Coverletter.docx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
IN | India | MajorIN_AnnexureB.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
IN | India | MajorIN_Issuer_Coverletter.docx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
IN | India | NSE_Coverletter.docx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
IT | Italy | 120A.docx | 2. Basic | 2023-09-12 | Updated form DataViews |
IT | Italy | 120B.docx | 2. Basic | 2023-09-12 | Updated form DataViews |
IT | Italy | SSRBondsIT_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-09-13 | First form |
IT | Italy | SSREquityIT_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
JP | Japan | MajorJP_AnnexureB.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
JP | Japan | MajorJP_Holding_Transaction_Annex.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
JP | Japan | MajorJP_Transaction-Annexure.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
JP | Japan | ShortJP.xlsx | 3. Good | 2024-10-22 | Remove File_B tab as for individual filers only |
KE | Kenya | MajorKE.docx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
KR | South Korea | MajorKR_10_AnnexureB.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
KR | South Korea | MajorKR_10_Notification_Sheet.xlsx | 2. Basic | 2023-01-17 | Decimal rounding improvements. |
KR | South Korea | MajorKR_AnnexureB.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
KR | South Korea | MajorKR_Holding_Breakdown.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
KR | South Korea | MajorKR_Notification_Sheet.xlsx | 2. Basic | 2023-01-17 | Decimal rounding improvements. |
KR | South Korea | New_PrivateReporting.csv | 4. Complete | 2023-04-06 | New form as required by regulator |
KR | South Korea | PrivateReporting.csv | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
KR | South Korea | PublicDisclosure.csv | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
LI | Liechtenstein | ESMA_StandardForm1.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
LK | Sri Lanka | MajorLK_AnnexureB.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
LK | Sri Lanka | MajorLK_Coverletter.docx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
LT | Lithuania | MajorLT.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
LT | Lithuania | SSREquityLT.docx | 3. Good | 2023-09-11 | First form |
LU | Luxembourg | Annexe_A.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
LU | Luxembourg | SSREquityLU_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
LV | Latvia | ESMA_StandardForm.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
LV | Latvia | SSREquityLV_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-09-11 | First form |
MT | Malta | ESMA_StandardForm1.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
MT | Malta | SSRBondsMT.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-04-11 | Added form. |
MT | Malta | SSREquityMT.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-04-11 | Added form. |
MY | Malaysia | MajorMY_Annexure1.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
MY | Malaysia | MajorMY_Annexure2.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
MY | Malaysia | MajorMY_Issuer_Coverletter.docx | 3. Good | 2021-06-18 | More accurate issuer province information |
MY | Malaysia | Registrar_Coverletter.docx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
MY | Malaysia | s137.docx | 3. Good | 2023-08-15 | Table completed and overall formatting improved |
MY | Malaysia | s138.docx | 3. Good | 2023-08-15 | Table completed and overall formatting improved |
MY | Malaysia | s139.docx | 3. Good | 2023-08-15 | Table completed and overall formatting improved |
MY | Malaysia | s141.docx | 3. Good | 2023-08-15 | Table completed and overall formatting improved |
NL | Netherlands | MajorNLVoting_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-08-31 | Upgrade token formatting |
NL | Netherlands | SSRBondsNL.docx | 3. Good | 2023-09-12 | First form |
NL | Netherlands | SSREquityNL_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
NO | Norway | ESMA_StandardForm_Shares.docx | 3. Good | 2023-09-08 | New form |
NO | Norway | ESMA_StandardForm1.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
NO | Norway | SSRBondsNO_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-09-13 | New data form |
NO | Norway | SSREquityNO_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
NZ | New Zealand | MajorNZ_AnnexureB.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
NZ | New Zealand | MajorNZ_Coverletter.docx | 3. Good | 2023-09-12 | Amended and reformatted |
NZ | New Zealand | MajorNZ_Final.docx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
NZ | New Zealand | MajorNZ_Initial.docx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
NZ | New Zealand | MajorNZ_Subsequent.docx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
PH | Philippines | 18A.docx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
PH | Philippines | 18AS.docx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
PH | Philippines | 23A.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
PH | Philippines | 23B.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
PH | Philippines | MajorPH_AnnexureB.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
PK | Pakistan | MajorPK_AnnexureB.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
PL | Poland | ESMA_StandardForm1.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
PL | Poland | Major_Poland_Form_data.xlsx | 2. Basic | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
PL | Poland | SSRBondsPL_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-09-13 | First form |
PL | Poland | SSREquityPL.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
PT | Portugal | ESMA_StandardForm1.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
PT | Portugal | ESMA_StandardForm1_Issuer.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
PT | Portugal | SSRBondsPT.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
PT | Portugal | SSREquityPT.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
RO | Romania | Annex-18.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
RO | Romania | SSREquityRO.xls | 3. Good | 2023-09-11 | First form |
SE | Sweden | MajorSE_Excel.xlsx | 3. Good | 2023-09-10 | Combined two documents into one. |
SE | Sweden | SSRBondsSE_Data.xlsx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
SE | Sweden | SSREquitySE_Data.xlsx | 5. FM Ready | 2023-10-02 | Filing Manager conversion complete |
SG | Singapore | MajorSG_Form3.xml | 2. Basic | 2022-05-17 | Use Straddle Values. |
SG | Singapore | MajorSG_FormC.xml | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
SG | Singapore | ShortSG.xml | 5. FM Ready | 2023-10-16 | Filing Manager conversion complete |
SI | Slovenia | ESMA_StandardForm1.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
SI | Slovenia | SSREquitySI_PublicDisclosure.docx | 3. Good | 2023-09-11 | First form |
SI | Slovenia | SSREquitySI_Reg.docx | 3. Good | 2023-09-11 | First form |
SK | Slovakia | MajorSK.docx | 3. Good | 2024-06-14 | Refined the warrants split between financial instruments tables |
SK | Slovakia | SSRBondsSK.docx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
SK | Slovakia | SSREquitySK.docx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
TH | Thailand | MajorTH_246-2.docx | 2. Basic | 2019-02-14 | MaskingName added to form |
TH | Thailand | MajorTH_246-2_NVDR.docx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
TH | Thailand | MajorTH_Notification_Sheet.xlsx | 2. Basic | 2023-01-11 | Token reformatting. |
TH | Thailand | MajorTH_Transaction-Annexure.xlsx | 2. Basic | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
TR | Turkey | MajorTR.docx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
TR | Turkey | MajorTR-ENG.docx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |
US | United States | MajorUS-13F.html | 3. Good | 2023-01-10 | New SEC requirements added. |
US | United States | MajorUS-13F.xml | 3. Good | 2023-01-10 | New SEC requirements added. |
US | United States | MajorUS-13F-HR.html | 3. Good | 2023-01-10 | New SEC requirements added. |
US | United States | MajorUS-13F-HR.xml | 3. Good | 2023-01-10 | New SEC requirements added. |
US | United States | MajorUS-13G.xml | 3. Good | 2024-09-12 | Add editable token for exhibit info |
US | United States | MajorUS-13G-5.xml | 3. Good | 2024-09-12 | Add editable token for exhibit info |
US | United States | MajorUS-13G-Entities.xml | 3. Good | 2024-09-12 | Add editable token for exhibit info |
US | United States | MajorUS-13G-Top.xml | 3. Good | 2024-12-19 | Create form variation for Top Entity Only |
WW | World Wide | IssuerLimitsShares.docx | 3. Good | 2023-03-30 | Fixed headers and formatting. |
WW | World Wide | IssuerLimitsVoting.docx | 3. Good | 2023-03-30 | Fixed headers and formatting. |
ZA | South Africa | MajorZA.docx | 3. Good | N/A | Updated prior to 2023 |