
Properties required for US Section 12D

Validation will fail if any of the properties marked with Required are missing. Additionally, incorrectly formatted input values can lead to validation failures, e.g. providing a blank value for a decimal property. A default value will be provided for those properties marked with Defaulted. Please note; For rules that require netting, we will automatically do so, thus you should not net positions provided in the positions file. For more information on this please see here

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Asset Properties

An asset is the specific position a portfolio has in an instrument. Instrument properties are independent of portfolio, whereas asset properties are specific to the portfolio

Property Name Applies To Description Data type Valid values & notes
AssetId required All Unique identifier for the asset String(255) e.g. Use InstrumentId + AssetClass to signify the unique asset, or another significant unique combination such as ISIN + LocalTicker or ISIN + Execution Venue (these are also provided by the exchange-level FIGI or quote-level PermID).
1. Must be unique for every asset in the portfolio (but may be duplicated across portfolios) or else validation will fail and
2. Consistent across NAV dates or else HasActivity will not work and the UI will mark all assets as new
AssetName required All Name of the asset String(255) Used as the primary display name for the asset, so ensure this name is meaningful
HasTransferOfVotingPower All If set to True, indicates that the power to exercise the voting rights of the assets is transferred in the SFT transaction, as determined by the relevant legal agreement. Boolean Valid for the following SFTTypes: Lent, Borrowed, CollateralTaken, CollateralGiven.
IsFlorangeApplicable All If set to true, this indicates that the asset quantity has been held for two or more years and the French Florange Law applies. This should only be set to true for assets relating to securities of issuers which are incorporated in France, which have shares listed on an EEA Regulated Market, and which have articles of association that do not specifically declare that the Florange law should not apply. See the aosphere memo for France, section A.1.8 for details. If undeclared or set to false, the Florange Law does not apply to the position. Boolean Please check the specific conditions outlined in the description and the Florange Help Centre article before declaring this property in a position file, including reviewing the issuer's articles of association.
Quantity required All Equities - Number of shares held
Bonds (including Convertibles) - Total nominal value of the position, divided by the FaceValue of the (single) bond instrument.
ETF - Number of units held
Derivatives - Number of contracts held
Decimal Short sale positions - Insert a negative quantity for positions resulting from short sale transactions.
Lending/Borrowing/Collateral (SFTType) - For any asset which does NOT have an SFTType set to 'Normal', insert only positive quantities.
CDS - For credit default swaps, use a negative quantity for protection buys (which is an effective short position) and a positive quantity for protection sells (which is an effective long position).
SFTType All Type of securities financing transaction (SFT) String(255) Valid values: Borrowed, CollateralGiven, CollateralTaken, Lent, Normal.
This property accounts for various kinds of transactions such as lending, borrowing, repos, reverse repos, while also allowing for general collateral taken and collateral given. See here for more details on populating

Instrument Properties

An instrument is the portfolio independent information

Property Name Applies To Description Data type Valid values & notes
AssetClass required All Asset class (e.g. Equity, Bond, CFD etc.) String(255) Valid values: ADR, Bond, CDS, CFD, Convertible, Equity, Forward, Future, Index, Option, PreferredEquity, Rights, StructuredProduct, Swap, Unit, Warrant.
To ignore this asset during checking, set to 'Ignore'
CallOrPut required Option, Warrant If an option / warrant is call or put String(255) Valid values: Call, Put.
ContractSize Forward, Future, Option, Warrant Contract size of a derivative (i.e. number of the underlying that a single contract converts into). For Position Limits, please refer to the contract specifications. Decimal e.g. 1000 would mean every option represents 1000 of the underlying. For Shareholding Disclosure, ContractSize is not generally required for derivatives on bonds.
ConversionRatio ADR, Convertible, PreferredEquity, Rights Convertible: the number of equities one convertible converts into;
DR: the number of underlying shares represented in one DR;
Right: the number of underlying securities that one right gives entitlement to.
Preferred Equity: the number of common shares one convertible preference share converts into.
CountryOfIncorporation Equity, PreferredEquity, Unit [Issuer Property] Equity and Preferred Equity - Country where the issuer is incorporated.
ETFs - Country where the collective investment scheme's (or other company structure's) legal personality is incorporated
String(255) Valid values: ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 country codes.
InstrumentCurrency ADR, Bond, CDS, CFD, Convertible, Equity, Forward, Future, Index required, Option, PreferredEquity, Rights, StructuredProduct required, Swap, Unit, Warrant Currency the instrument is denominated in. String(255) Valid values: ISO 4217 currency codes.
InstrumentId required All Identifier to link assets to instruments and instruments to Underlying instruments String(255) Must be unique for every instrument in one upload
InstrumentName required All Instrument name String(255) Used as the primary display name for the instrument, so ensure this name is meaningful
IsCashSettled CFD required, Forward, Future required, Option required, Swap required, Warrant If the derivative is cash settled (as opposed to requiring physical delivery) Boolean Most countries capture physically settled derivatives, many (but less) are interested in cash settled derivatives.
IsETF Unit If a unit fund is exchange traded. Boolean
IsInvestmentCompanyUS Equity [Issuer Property] Whether the issuer is a US Investment Company under the US 12D regulation. If this field is set to true, then the issuer will be included, otherwise the issuer will be excluded by FundApps. Boolean
IssuerId ADR, Bond, Convertible, Equity, PreferredEquity, Unit, Warrant Unique identifier for the issuer of the instrument String(255) Do not use the LEI for this as for the foreseeable future not all issuers have an LEI. For Unit funds structured as an ETF, this should identify the ETF itself.
IssuerName ADR, Bond, Convertible, Equity, PreferredEquity, Unit, Warrant [Issuer Property] Name of the issuer of the instrument String(255) For Unit funds structured as ETF, the IssuerName should be that of the ETFs itself.
For EU government bonds, insert the exact sovereign issuer name from ESMA's list of sovereign issuers. For the SSR EU Bonds: United Kingdom rule insert 'United Kingdom' as the issuer name.
For issuers that are disclosable under the nominal share capital rules in The Netherlands, insert the exact issuer name outlined by the Dutch AFM here if you want the system to automatically populate the official value for TotalIssuedNominalCapital.
IsUS12DExempt Unit [Issuer Property] Whether the issuer is outside of the scope of the US 12D regulation. If this field is set to true, then the issuer will be excluded, otherwise the issuer will be included by FundApps. Boolean
MarketsListedIn ADR, Bond, CDS, CFD, Convertible, Equity, Future, Option, PreferredEquity, Rights, Swap, Unit, Warrant List of all market identification codes (MICs) where the instrument is listed - should be a list of all markets that the instrument is listed on, and should include the primary market. List ISO 10383 code (MIC). Insert the MICs of all markets that the instrument is listed on (should include the primary market). Where a specific market segment is different than the Operating MIC, please use the specific market segment since the Operating MIC is the parent market venue only.
For instruments which are truly over-the-counter (OTC), use the value recommended by the ISO standard: XXXX
For instruments where the market is completely unknown, use the value: XMIC (which is not an ISO code but a suggested default value in such cases).
It is critical that for any market, segment MICs are provided. Please see ISO's official FAQs for the MIC standard under the section 'MIC LEVELS', making note of the definitions for 'market segment MIC' and 'operating MIC' including the point that 'The use of market segment MICs provides more accuracy.'
FundApps is unable to validate whether our clients are providing the MICs at the granularity of segment MIC; we strongly recommend that you re-confirm with your data provider(s) that MICs are provided at segment MICs level.
Price All Price of the instrument in instrument currency. For bonds and convertibles, the price must be stated as a percentage of the face value of an individual bond (since this is the way bonds are quoted on the market). Decimal
TotalVotingRights Equity, PreferredEquity, Unit [Issuer Property] Total amount of voting rights in circulation for an issuer Decimal
VotesPerShare Equity, PreferredEquity, Unit Number of votes attached to a single share Decimal Allowed value range: 0 .. 1000000

Properties valid for ALL AssetClasses

AssetClass, AssetId, AssetName, HasTransferOfVotingPower, InstrumentCurrency, InstrumentId, InstrumentName, IsFlorangeApplicable, Price, Quantity, SFTType

Properties valid for each AssetClass

Asset classes which require exactly one underlying asset to pass validation are marked with one
Asset classes which can have multiple underlying assets are marked with multiple

Asset Class Description Valid Underlyings Properties
ADR required Depositary Receipts. Certificates that represent an ownership interest in shares of a (usually foreign-listed) company. Only NVDRs, which are identified by the DRType 'NVDR', are permitted to have 'Convertible', 'Warrant', or 'Rights' as their underlying assets. This specification is exclusive to NVDRs due to their unique structure. Convertible, Equity, PreferredEquity, Rights, Warrant ConversionRatio, IssuerId, IssuerName, MarketsListedIn
Bond A fixed income instrument where the issuer owes the holder a debt and pays them interest on it IssuerId, IssuerName, MarketsListedIn
CDS required Credit Default Swap. A financial derivative contract that allows an investor to swap the credit risk of an issuer, country or another entity with another counterparty Bond, Index, StructuredProduct MarketsListedIn
CFD required Contract For Difference ADR, Bond, Convertible, Equity, Index, PreferredEquity, Rights, StructuredProduct, Unit, Warrant IsCashSettled, MarketsListedIn
Convertible required A type of bond which can be converted to a specific number of equity shares of the issuing company (or another company in the case of an exchangeable bond) ADR, Equity ConversionRatio, IssuerId, IssuerName, MarketsListedIn
Equity Also called: Common Stock. A stock or other security representing an ownership interest in a company CountryOfIncorporation, IsInvestmentCompanyUS, IssuerId, IssuerName, MarketsListedIn, TotalVotingRights, VotesPerShare
Forward required A contract or agreement to buy or sell an asset at a certain date at a certain price, where the contract provisions are not standardised ADR, Bond, Convertible, Equity, Index, PreferredEquity, Rights, StructuredProduct, Unit, Warrant ContractSize, IsCashSettled
Future required A contract or agreement to buy or sell an asset at a certain date at a certain price ADR, Bond, Convertible, Equity, Index, PreferredEquity, Rights, StructuredProduct, Unit, Warrant ContractSize, IsCashSettled, MarketsListedIn
Index multiple A collection or basket of securities which usually track the basket's performance and serve as reference values for a financial derivative ADR, Bond, CDS, Convertible, Equity, PreferredEquity, Rights, Warrant
Option required Financial derivatives that give the buyer the right to buy or sell the underlying asset at a stated price within a specified period. ADR, Bond, Convertible, Equity, Future, Index, PreferredEquity, Rights, StructuredProduct, Swap, Unit, Warrant CallOrPut, ContractSize, IsCashSettled, MarketsListedIn
PreferredEquity Also called: Preference Shares or Preferred Shares. A type of stock in which holders have a higher claim to the dividends or assets of a company and which may contain features of debt instruments, including convertibility into common stock Equity ConversionRatio, CountryOfIncorporation, IssuerId, IssuerName, MarketsListedIn, TotalVotingRights, VotesPerShare
Rights required Subscription Rights. A certificate issued to existing shareholders giving them the right to purchase a certain number of shares from the issuer at a specific price Equity ConversionRatio, MarketsListedIn
StructuredProduct multiple A customised collection or basket of securities which may be pre-packaged as an investment, usually track the basket's performance and may serve as reference values for a financial derivative ADR, Bond, CDS, Convertible, Equity, Forward, Future, Index, Option, PreferredEquity, Rights, StructuredProduct, Unit
Swap required A derivative contract in which two parties exchange the cash flows or liabilities of two different financial instruments. Excludes Credit Default Swaps ADR, Bond, Convertible, Equity, Index, PreferredEquity, Rights, StructuredProduct, Unit, Warrant IsCashSettled, MarketsListedIn
Unit multiple A collective investment scheme or fund (set of pooled investments) which issues units or shares giving rights to the scheme's assets and associated income ADR, Bond, CDS, Convertible, Equity, Forward, Future, Option, PreferredEquity, Rights, StructuredProduct CountryOfIncorporation, IsETF, IssuerId, IssuerName, IsUS12DExempt, MarketsListedIn, TotalVotingRights, VotesPerShare
Warrant required A certificate providing a right, but not an obligation to buy or sell a certain number of shares of a company at a specific price in the future; or a financial derivative that gives the buyer the right to receive payment, or the seller the obligation to deliver payment based on a reference composite's value at a particular time or within a period of time specified. ADR, Equity, Index, StructuredProduct, Unit CallOrPut, ContractSize, IsCashSettled, IssuerId, IssuerName, MarketsListedIn

Portfolio & Entity Properties

A portfolio is the smallest unit that can hold assets (aka an account, fund etc.), an entity is a grouping of portfolios. The properties are generally set-up once and then only updated when changes occur. Portfolio properties can be entered directly into the UI and do not need to be provided in an input file.

The following are required for the rules / system to function correctly

Property NameApplies ToDescriptionData typeValid values & notes
PortfolioId required Both Unique identifier for the portfolio / entity String(255) This Id should NOT change over time (even during implementation). If it does a new portfolio / entity will be created.
PortfolioName required Portfolio Name of the portfolio / entity String(255)
PortfolioType required Both Portfolio: a container that holds assets (Accounts, Funds, Portfolios etc.);
Entity: an aggregation of portfolios (Management Company, Controlling Entity, etc.)
Umbrella: If a portfolio's direct parent is an umbrella and a portfolio level disclosure is required, A disclosure will be triggered on the parent umbrella, aggregating all portfolios underneath that specific umbrella
String(255) Valid values: Entity, Portfolio, Umbrella. Click here for more information on umbrellas
PortfolioCompany required Both If a Chinese wall, or similar, exists, you will be able to limit the visibility to specific areas of the business. String(255) More information is available here
DefaultParentId Both Identifier (PortfolioId) of the Entity that a portfolio or (sub)Entity aggregates to String(255) Must match a PortfolioId of an Entity in the file. This is used to define the aggregation structure. In this case, an aggregation structure named 'Default' is used. For Entities which are at the top of the tree, the DefaultParentId will be its own PortfolioId. For clients with multiple aggregation structures, additional columns named 'XParentId' can be added, where X is the name of the tree (e.g. Voting, Legal, Management). More information here
RuleFolders Portfolio Defines which rules run on the system. List Valid values all folders active in your system see bottom left panel in the rules page
LiquidationDate Both When the portfolio / entity was / will be liquidated Date

Last generated: 2024-12-23 10:02:21 UTC